Thursday, June 19, 2008


Happy Birthday to my very handsome and talented twins!! They are 12 today and it is hard to believe it.. it was not that long ago, I would cry in my closet because they were driving me nuts. I have not done that for years, thank goodness.... Funny when one of your children have a birthday how reflective the day is.. I feel kind of weepy today, 12 marks the very beginning of the teen years. The baby faces , that I love to squeeze, change , and so does the need for Mom... I hope they know how much I love them even when I am spazzing out,,,, They are truly amazing kids,,,,, Love you boys!!! xoxox MOM

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

I love your boys Edie! You have raised them well. What a great picture of you all.

PS. we LOVE the Ottawa Senators Jersey over here! YAY Ottawa! ;-)