Thursday, March 31, 2011

SMILE DAY 23....

SMILE DAY 23...    I can see grass, on my lawn! I am so excited the snow is melting. I saw a robin today, and there were 2 swans, at our local watering hole. So spring is coming!! How can you not smile about that!      

Wednesday, March 30, 2011



                                  I miss my dog. I loved walking her and I loved our loving owner- dog relationship. I am looking after a little dog this week, so walking today , with her made me smile. I love walking and love to be with a dog.. So that's my smile today...


Tuesday, March 29, 2011


SMILE DAY 21...  Cleaning is not exactly fun, but the end result is something to smile about. I have been spring cleaning for 2 days, and I am looking around and it all looks so crisp and clean.. That makes me SMILE!



Monday, March 28, 2011



                                    It's been a long winter, with unpredictable weather and crappy roads. Today the roads were bare and it was a really nice relaxing drive home! So I'm smiling because I didnt have to think about the drive! SMILE!


SMILE DAY 19....

     DIM SUM, YUM!  That has to bring a smile to anyone's face! Did you know it means " to touch your heart?. It was so delicious and I was with great company too!!! Big smiles for me and a touched heart! .....                                  


Saturday, March 26, 2011



                          Today I dropped my twins and their dad, at the airport, they are off to Arizona. I am happy to have some time alone, with my youngest. It is nice to spend time, and really connect, with just one child. We are in Calgary and am happy to be at my Best friend's house, for her birthday! I have a lot to SMILE about! Being here, and being with Evan is making me SMILE today!


Friday, March 25, 2011



                   Today it was nice to hang around in comfy clothes, and not really do much of anything. I am trying to get rid of a head cold, so being home was nice. The next week is holidays and I am so glad I don't have to make any lunches..That makes me SMILE!!!


Thursday, March 24, 2011



                                      Sometimes I think I think my contributions, to this life, are small and maybe meaningless. Being a substitute teacher, is not always the easiest job to do. Every week I am in a different class, with different kids, rules, and expectations. I take my job very seriously and try to keep things running, as the homeroom teacher would.  Today, I got a great compliment, it was from a grade three teacher. I had told her that I really appreciate that she leaves me "real" work to teach the kids, it really makes me feel useful. So she said  to me, " when I know I am having you as a sub, I know I can leave you the work I would teach. Because I know you will do it well, and I never have to worry. Some subs do not work like you do."  I was very happy to hear, that and even blushed. It was good to know that maybe my work does matter, and that made me SMILE~.


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

SMILE DAY 15....

SMILE DAY 15.....

                                I have a great thing to Smile about today.. I just came back from parent teacher interviews, and it was good! Evan, who is 9, has some difficulties with behavior, so usually the interviews are kinda hard to listen to. Today his teacher said, he sees big changes in Evan. The way he is handling social situations, is much better. He is actually thinking before reacting! This makes me very happy! So big SMILES for me!!!!


Tuesday, March 22, 2011


                                     This is so tough today..The snow is just making me so angry not happy. It is tough to smile when all you see is snow.. But here it goes..... This made me smile....


Monday, March 21, 2011



                                 Simply put with my best friend....its been 8 days.. So talking to her first thing today, made me SMILE!!!


Sunday, March 20, 2011


SMILE DAY 12......

                                   Today I am sick, with some sort of throat thing, and so the smile I have today is that I have a warm bed, hot tea, and some tylenol. I am lucky to have these things and SMILE because of those little things.



This is a day down...

SMILE DAY 11......

                                     This is an easy one.. Finally after 2 months of losing, my youngest son, won a hockey game! It was the last game of the seaon, and they were victorious! Those kids went wild and I think, us Mom's wanted to cry!!! It was a great moment, that made me SMILE!!!!

Friday, March 18, 2011


SMILE DAY 10.....

                                           Today I received an unexpected gift from a dear friend of mine, Tracy.  She bought me a very pretty Brighton ( one of my faves) bracelet. It is silver with sparkly, jewels around it. I really love it! It is impossible not to SMILE when you get shiny jewels! Thank you Tracy, for making me SMILE today!!!             



Thursday, March 17, 2011


SMILE DAY 9.....

                        Today just being alone with one kid, has made me SMILE.. It is very quiet and we are enjoying having no teenagers around... the quiet is making me SMILE!


Wednesday, March 16, 2011



      Today I did not feel like grocery shopping , it can be a 2 hour process, from start to finish, but off I went. While I was at the store, this older lady was looking at hair colors. I decided to look too, and we started to chat. I helped her choose a color, and we had a nice conversation about this and that. She told me it was so nice to talk, and she said I should be a hair dresser, cuz I knew so much about colors! I laughed. I think she really liked talking to me, and I made her laugh a few times. This made me SMILE today, because I think I might have made her day, like she made mine!



Tuesday, March 15, 2011


SMILE DAY 7.....

         YUMMY!!! Nothing better than homemade turkey soup, from your Mom. Not only is it delicious but that means I dont have to cook!! Thats the best part! Todays SMILE is not having to cook!  Thanks MOM



Monday, March 14, 2011

SMILE DAY 6.....

DAY ^ 6 ^ SMILE....

                         Well it is so warm out and everything is melting. My smile today is that I could lace up my running shoes, and wear capris and only a shirt, for my run! The warm sun on my face, and the clear road was the best I could have asked for! So running made me SMILE today!


Sunday, March 13, 2011



     I know my day 4 smile, was posted today, late last night, I was coming to post it and started to do something else.. but it was my smile for yesterday.

Today I am smiling because we have SUN!!! It is feeling warm out, and it is so bright! I even have the back door open for fresh air.. Finally I get to walk and not freeze!!! Today the SUN is making me SMILE!!!




My smile today was getting a package, in the mail. It really doesnt matter what it is, I just love packages. This one was from Norwex, and I love new cleaning supplies. I ordered a new mop, and believe it or not, that makes me SMILE



Friday, March 11, 2011


SMILE DAY 3......

Today the thing that made me smile most was my lunch with my Mom.. Looking at her accross the table, I felt extremely happy for the relationship we share. Her skin glowed today, and she looked so pretty. She is 71 and looks years younger. Just chatting and laughing, with her,  made me SMILE!!!


Thursday, March 10, 2011 2

 SMILE....Day 2

Today I found old cards , from my BFF,  I try to keep them altogether. This particular one was of two ladies, hanging out. It was the day after, a good party.. and the caption read"that at least they still had there hats on! "

I still remember getting that card, and the others as well.. Rereading them, made me laugh out loud, and SMILE on the inside,,,,


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

SMILE new committment

I was trying to figure out something to give up for lent, 40 days, and was having some issues with it. A wise friend said maybe dont give something up but commit to something. While I was in church it came to me, I am going to commit to a daily Smile. For the remainder of lent, I will commit to writing one thing that made me smile, each day. I know there are more than one, but I will stick to one.

Here is today's SMILE.....   

A tiny baby,  4 months old,, in church, was sucking on his soother, and making that little clicking noise with it.. This brought back some warm memories , of my own soother babies. I had three out of 4 that sucked a soother. I loved that sound, and listening to it today made me SMILE!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

My Heart Is Full!

I just celebrated my 42nd birthday, on Thursday, and it was just the best! I do not like much of a fuss made over me, as I often feel like I am not worthy of people's time. I do not really like surprises, either, so I can be hard person to "please", for lack of a better term.
My day started out with texts, and calls, first thing in the morning..too hugs and kisses. I had a quick work out, and then met Mike at a local restaurant for lunch. My mom, sister, neice, sister in law, brother in law, and friends, they all were there, for me. I was given so many wonderful gifts, I felt like I was winning the lotto. It was a great lunch!
Then I came home, and my Best friend and her husband were coming down, to spend the night. It was to be low key, but they had plans to take me out too. So out I went, again, and had such a nice supper, with them and my neighbors. We shared good food, wine and laughs. Once again, I was spoiled with gifts,,too many to mention....
My birthday , seemed, like no other . I really felt people went out of their way, to make me feel special. I know I am loved, but today I feel like I am worthy of their love. This is something new to me. It is a wonderful and free feeling.
The best gift I received, was all the love from everyone,,what a euphoric feeling that can be. I said to Mike, I really didnt think people would want to do all this for me, but I guess they do! Thank you everyone for making not only my day ,but filling my heart with your love!