Wednesday, March 9, 2011

SMILE new committment

I was trying to figure out something to give up for lent, 40 days, and was having some issues with it. A wise friend said maybe dont give something up but commit to something. While I was in church it came to me, I am going to commit to a daily Smile. For the remainder of lent, I will commit to writing one thing that made me smile, each day. I know there are more than one, but I will stick to one.

Here is today's SMILE.....   

A tiny baby,  4 months old,, in church, was sucking on his soother, and making that little clicking noise with it.. This brought back some warm memories , of my own soother babies. I had three out of 4 that sucked a soother. I loved that sound, and listening to it today made me SMILE!

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Ohh! I love this concept and am going to be honest. I am stealing it from you. lol
I agree, that would have made me SMILE too. Precious.

Thank-you Edie! xo