Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Doing great!

It has been almost two months and I can safely say that so many of the bumps are finally flattened! That is to say the home schooling is coming right along. I feel like Evan has accomplished a lot. He is learning the concepts and is having fun. I also have  come a long  way. I find myself more relaxed and not as anxious to always stick to my schedule. I also feel a closeness to Evan and that just warms my heart.
Today was all arts , something I have to make a conscious effort to include. We went to a production of Alice in Wonderland. Then went and painted pottery. It was a great day!  

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

The week started off rough. Not enough sleep can cause a pre-teen to be unbearable. Monday was one of those days. Nothing seemed to flow and we just didn't get along. I suppose these types of days are going to happen, when homeschooling.  So we finished off the day the best we could, and then I went for a walk around our river. This helped me calm my nerves, and put my mind in a better space.

Today was much better, Evan had a good night's sleep and was ready to work today. We accomplished a lot and I feel much better about things today. He finished a bio-poem, which was adjectives that describe him. He was true to himself, both is good ways and the things he struggles with. It is always interesting to see what a child thinks of himself. It is usually very similar to the way the parent would describe them. Kids know what the are good at and what needs to be worked on.
Tomorrow is another day and I look forward to teaching my child, and hopefully he does too.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

My youngest is 12!!

Happy birthday to the sweetest most smartest boy !! You make me smile everyday!! I'm glad we are homeschooling this year. You are doing great!! Lots of love mom !!!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013


Today Evan finished up a morning of school and then excitedly got ready to go hunting. He is going with his Papa, my dad, for two days. What he will learn , from my dad, in two days , I probably couldn't teach him in a year. My dad is 75 and probably one of the smartest men I know. What Evan will gain , on this trip, will be priceless.  Evan will also have to keep up with his Papa , as he is In phenomenal shape!  Have fun you two can't wait to hear about your hunting trip ! 

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Fall days are definitely here

After two hard days at our studies Evan and I headed out for a walk to Kerrywood Nature Center. It was a perfect fall day with leaves falling and squirrels filling their cheeks. I really enjoy my time alone with Evan, with a house full of boys it is not always peaceful. 
Our afternoon started out great but soon turned sideways. Evan got in a mood and the complaining started. Why don't things go as we hope?
Before Evan's mood changed I took some photos of our walk. 
Maybe next time it will be better...if there is a next time .

Thursday, October 3, 2013

A busy social studies day

Today social studies was the subject that got a little more attention. Lots of reading and work book pages were completed. Evan also completed a longhouse, this is just one fun activity , he will do while studying Canada's history. 

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Home visit

We had out first home visit yesterday. It went really well. We are doing great and doing more than enough. That is a relief. 

Today we had a relaxed start to the day. I was super tired but Evan worked hard. He is working on an octopus power point and it should be done tomorrow. 

I am still feeling excited about all the great and fun things I can teach Evan. I am not really missing subbing. I feel like I am doing enough here and I feel fulfilled with just teaching Evan. It is very rewarding.
I know I've posted this picture on my other blog but I really like it so here or is again!

Monday, September 30, 2013

Gloomy day

Monday morning and the Alberta sky is gloomy and grey. We had a very rainy and cool day which sometimes can make for a productive school day. Evan was on task and did all of his assigned work. Science is a continuation of the Vancouver Coast theme. After seeing all the great marine life , Evan decided to do a power point, on the octopus. He just started and hopefully will be done , by the end of the week. We also studied the shells we brought back, and watched a very good video we bought at the Aquarium. Evan seemed to enjoy all of this today. Hopefully tomorrow will be good too!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

More great pics!

Hands on at the Aquarium

This little marine aquarium was the perfect science day. The kids explored marine life being able to touch and read. It was a great couple of hours. I learned a lot too!!!  Can you spot all the marine life in the aquarium? 

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

More pics

A great pic in the forest

Ucluelet amazing!!!

Well our day was incredible. The weather was perfect. We collected shells, waded in the ocean, walked along forest paths and soaked in the beauty!!!! Many lessons can be learned here.

Tofino bound!

Two very excited home schoolers, and one super excited mom! I've never been to Tofino and can't wait to see what awaits me! 

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Social studies

A great lesson on The Coastal Natives today! 

Monday, September 23, 2013

Our day

This is science, social, and pys ed..

Our friends from the island!

This morning is a beautiful island day, the air is  moist and the sun is up.  Here is Gabriella with Evan, her classroom is just wonderful! This is the best home school day ever!!