Friday, June 6, 2008

Unbreakable Bonds


Today I am thinking a lot about friendships and how they mean the world to me.I have never been one to have dozens of friends, but rather to have a close few. My dearest and best friend,we have been friends now since the 80's, yes the 80's. I think its been about 23 years now. I think I met her when I was 16. Back then alot of my friends just kind a deserted me, when I had my baby in high school. Not her, she was the one, who would go for walks, or wiener roasts, or horse back riding, with myself and my son. She even moved in with me, my last term of University. It was a life saver for me, in so many ways. I wonder if she knows that? As years go by, and we have been married, divorced, had babies, been through deaths, good times, university, jobs,,, and the list goes on.. She is there,, and I am there for her. Our lives keep changing and evolving but our friendship still remains strong. I have not found many people who have a long friendship like ours, kinda like the diamond in the rough..or a needle in haystack,, very hard to find. As the end of the month approaches, we will be spending some time ,in Banff, alone, no kids! We try to do this once a year, it is so much fun just to hike, hang out and laugh. I can not wait to pick her up at her house, and see the excitment she and I try to refrain from showing,,to her husband ( mine too) Then when the car door shuts and wait til we are out of the drive way..we exclaim :"WOO HOO!!!" And high five one another. I really can't wait!!!


The Long Road said...

Hey...thanks, I needed that. Made me tear up, silly you. I am sooo excited about getting away. The countdown is on.

Day by Day..Homeschool Life & more! said...

Well Girl.. you know you mean the word to me!! e

Stephanie said...

heck! It made ME tear up too! You two are such an incredible pair. Something pretty special, that is for sure!