Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Gloomy Day

Its a pretty gloomy day today, with the rain coming down and the sky just grey. The day kinda started like that just Bla. I didnt want to get up, I just wanted to lay in my big bed sprawled out from end to end. Mike is gone so sleeping is heaven, no snoring for a few nights , its glorious sleeping alone ..thats another post all in itself. So I am here at work, tired and uninspired and its so hot in here... I hope I dont get going on the ebay orVictoria Secret site, I could so some damage today! At least its already Wednesday..that is about the only thing I can say that is bringing a smile to my face today.......... BLA>>>>>>BLA>>>>BLA>>>>


The Long Road said...

Awe, just think, Friday is just around the corner. We can have some good laughs and a nice visit, can't wait.

I hate days like this, depressing. Gabs is still sick so I haven't been able to leave the house today either, crazy!!!

Day by Day..Homeschool Life & more! said...

I know I cant wait!!!!! A good visit is just what the Dr.ordered!