Thursday, March 6, 2008

Saw -- JUNO ----the movie

I really liked this movie. I dont get to go to many movies, but I am glad I went to see this one. It is about a 16 year old who gets pregnant. Of course, that hit close to home , since I was a pregnant teen. I was 17, and I kept my son, who will be 21 next month. The movie brought back a flood of memories for me and I was pretty quiet throughout the movie, and shed a few tears. I forgot some of the emotions and stress I went through. Juno had a pretty good set of parents, and they supported her decisions. I too had the really great parents, who helped me succeed. I am sure if they had not been a part of raising Justin, that I would not be where I am today. Also my siblings were very supportive. It makes a real difference to have that love and support. I know that if this happens to my chidren what my role will be... to help out as much as I can..and not make them feel awful or scorned. People make mistakes, we just hope they learn from them. Being pregnant , at 17, wasnt the end of the world for me or my family, it just put a little kink in my plan for my future. That being said, I wouldnt change a thing. I am where I am now, because of the past , and thats is just perfect with me!!!

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