Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mothers Day and Baseball,,go together like ice cream and pie!!

HAPPY MOTHERS DAY TO MY WONDERFUL MOM AND ALL MY SISTER AND FRIENDS!!! I know that Mother's day may be a little over done ,commercially , in our society., and for some mean absolutely nothing. I have never been one for celebrating "made up" holidays, but today I thought ,hmm if my family wants to make me feel special then I ought to take it! The homemade cards and magnets I love and cherish! That being said today is much like any other day, as I am just jetting to the baseball field, which will be my home for the next two months! I will flip burgers and smile at the kids, and encourage the team the best I can. It may not sound like a great Mother's day, but when I see my boys playing, and the enjoyment it brings them, I know its the only place I should be!!! So enjoy your day, anyway you can with your kids and be proud of yourself for the Mother you are!!! I challenge you today to write down three things that make you a great Mom, and reread it ,smile, and be proud!!!!!

1 comment:

MotherhoodByters said...

Happy Mother's Day Ede!!! What touching things to say about your family. I hope, even though you'll come home smelling like greasy burgers, you'll have a wonderful day with thosee you love!!

Love and hugs.