Friday, February 4, 2011

If you could do anything right at this moment what would it be?

Its 3:30 Pm,, the kids are slowly trickling in from school. One is out building a snow man, one has his dress clothes on and is leaving for hockey.. One is not home yet. And Me. I actually had a moment of peace and thought what would I do right now?  Well I would get on my walking shoes, and a light coat and go for a walk with my best friend. That is what I would like to do at this moment. It is super nice out and the snow is melting and its warm , and I would love to walk and talk! It is just that kind of day! 

Blessed are we to have friends that fill our souls!

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

I love your outlook on life Edie. Thank-you for the long chat last night...
