Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentines day!

Another Valentines day is upon us. Its #18 for Mike and I.. And well to us its just doesnt have the same meaning. Too bad in some ways, but truthfully I would rather Mike surprise me on a day that is just any ordinary day. It means more to me that way. I did buy the kids all something though. Since they are all boys I have to try to some how keep their hearts tender, so when they do meet a girl they have some romance to them... and if you know my twins they will need all the help they can get!!! Not Evan though, he is a loving soul. He had to make sure his Nana ( my mom) already got her valentines... and some special kids in the neighborhood too.... I guess what valentines day does for me is just makes me think about my life with Mike, and how lucky I am.. wonder if he is thinking the same LOL.......... Happy Valentines to you All!!!!

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