Monday, July 18, 2011


I take my sandals off , and hop in the boat and all the "boys" do the same. Taking off our shoes before we enter the boat, is a rule we decided on this year. It seems like a good rule. The carpet stays clean, and I like that. However, I wasn't expecting some of the visually scary sights.  GNARLY TOENAILS! It seems that, boys, and even men, do not care about the looks of their toenails. I have seen it all this week. From, just dirty, to long and dirty, to pointy, to black. I have seen it all. Not that my toenails are perfect, but they are clean and presentable. I just want to say to young men, rule of thumb: In the summer take care of those toenails, its very hard to stomach! LOL

So I guess my dilemma is do I change the rule, to shoes are Ok?

I decided to put pretty nails on here, not gnarly ones.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Greetings from Kelowna!

This is for my best friend, I am writing on my blog!! I am having my morning coffee and watching dragon boat races, from my patio. It is the women's division and they are working hard. It is a windy day and I am hoping it calms down some, so we can get out on the new boat. It is all shined up and looking good!

Two of my boys, are on a paddle boat. The youngest, and one of my teenagers. Evan, the youngest, pestered, until he got his way. Carrie, imagine that an OEB, pestering and being obsessive. So Michael, said fine let's go and get this over with. Such brotherly love!! LOL.

Tomorrow my twin sister is bringing her family for a visit and I am looking forward to seeing them all. Especially Emily, my neice, I have a special love for that girl!

Have a wonderful day everyone, especially Ole Gookam, you know who you are!!


Monday, May 2, 2011

Bike, new headphones, and sun!

What a great day today! Just a wonderful day to bike away! So I did. I also purchased new Bose, headphones, and had a new playlist. What more could I ask for?  It was extremely satisfying to bike through our trails and just soak in spring. Just a great day to be Me!
These are simply the best headphones.I am super picky because I need them tight, I hate when headphones fall out. These are perfect and the sound well.. Its Bose sound, incredible!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

I dont want to jinx things,,,

BUT I think maybe SPRING is finally here!!! we havn't had any snow in about a week and I saw a butterfly. I had the best run today, no water or ice on the side walks.. I am also bringing up the patio furniture. This has been the longest winter I can remember, so I am ready for some sun and heat!

Bring on Spring!!!!

Sunday, April 17, 2011


SMILE DAY 40....      Well today is the last of my 40 days of smiles, for lent. It has been a wonderful thing for me to do.  Too often I remember the negatives, throughout the day, instead of the positives. This was a great way for me to realize how blessed I am. I am lucky to have the life I have and to be loved, by the people who are in my life.  I saw joy in little things everyday, and I could have easily written more than one smile. I will continue on, my smiles , with my own gratitude journal, and posting once a week.  Smile it does a mind and soul good!

DAY 39...

SMILE DAY 39...                 It is nearing the end of the 40 days of lent. Tomorrow is Palm Sunday, the day Jesus went to Jeruselum and palms were waved in his honor. Tonight I was getting ready for church, the 3 boys really did not want to go, but they were coming regardless what they wanted ( yes I can be mean). SO I am leaving to get into the car, and I see Mike.. I say "what are you doing? " and he says I am coming to church.." (mike does not come to church very much and i never really push him)... I was very happy, especially since the kids were being defiant. Even the kids asked him what he was doing. My smile is that he came with me, I know to support me in my cause... Thank you .. Smile!


Saturday, April 16, 2011

Smile Day 38....

  SMILE DAY 38.... 

My smile is just good laughs.. A good joke can make a person laugh. I had one of those belly laughs ,last night, simply from a joke. It was made by my husband and directed at me... but it was funny.. Laughing feels so good,,, and makes you smile!

Thursday, April 14, 2011


SMILE DAY 37... 

                                       Today I was subbing a grade three class. The whole afternoon was music and drama, not my favorite things to teach. Surprisingly, it was pretty fun. I had the children play a clapping, singing game, where they go around in a circle and try not to forget the actions or words. It gets faster and faster, and if you get it wrong you step out of the circle. Well these kids, loved it. Watching them sing and laugh , made me smile, and revel at the innocence of a child.


Wednesday, April 13, 2011


SMILE DAY 36...   My eldest boy is attending university, in Halifax, studying to be a mechanical engineer. That is enough to make me smile, but even more, is his grades. I always knew he was smart, but now that he is actually applying himself , he is really doing well. Today he called , to let me know, that his project paper , was the best , in his class. That the prof. asked him if he could keep it, to show as an example, for future classes. I am super proud of him he makes me smile!



Tuesday, April 12, 2011


SMILE DAY 35...                   

                                 My husband made the lunches tonight, I am so tired and that was just one more thing I didnt want to do.....Thank you for making me smile..

Monday, April 11, 2011



                         Nothing like a good work out after eating and drinking for a few days. It feels good to have sweat it out!!! SMILE to a working body!


Smile Day 33...

SMILE DAY 33........

                        Sleeping in, until 10am! Uninterrupted! That just felt awesome. Then a quick swim, a hot tub and a sauna! Followed by a brunch, that was incredibly yummy! Then off for a walk, a great cup of Joe, and just chatting with my husband. Doesn't that sound relaxing? SMILE!


Smile day 32 for April 9th

SMILE DAY 32....

                               Nothing like seeing some of your family members. Tonight we had supper with my borther in law, neice and nephew. My twin sister was not in town, so I missed seeing her. However, we had a great time at Earls, ov rlooking the lake. My little neice, well not so little, she will be 14 soon, holds a special place , in my heart. She is a very free spirited , lovely girl. We laughed, and talked boy talk, and gave some good hugs! It definately made me SMILE!

She really does say this!



I am behind on my lentin posts, my computer did not work while I was away. So this is Friday, April 8th post.
             Today we visited a few wineries, in the region. It was a sunny day and the wine was very delicious. It was fun to learn some new things about wine. We had a delicious lunch, at Quail's Gate, and met some new people. Today's smile is for wine and relaxation!

Our View

I would like to buy an old one of these.


Thursday, April 7, 2011



Wednesday, April 6, 2011

SMILE DAY 29....

SMILE DAY 29.....                   My smile today is figuring out my Garmin watch! It has taken a lot of fiddling with but today it worked just like I wanted it too! It only took me all of 2 minutes and I was out the door, to test it out. Run was good and watch was great! SMILE!!!!


Tuesday, April 5, 2011


SMILE DAY 28...   Laughter can bring a smile to anyone's face. Today I had lunch with a friend and we were talking, and she laughed at something. Her laugh is one of those laughs, that makes you happy to be with her. I smiled through lunch, whenever she let out her cute little laugh. Ah the little things that can bring a smile to your face so sweet.



Monday, April 4, 2011


SMILE DAY 27,,  It was early this morning, and I decided to check my emails, and there was one from my best friend. She bought my first beaded key chain, on Etsy. Just like her to start my day on the right foot. Thank you my besty!!!  That made me smile..

Sunday, April 3, 2011


                                      It is a sunny Sunday, last day of holidays before it all starts again. I am also happy that I figured out how to list the beads I am trying to sell, on Etsy. Took sometime but its done.

 I am smiling for Sunday morning sun, family,accomplishments and coffee..

Saturday, April 2, 2011


SMILE DAY 25...  Saturday, and snow.. But I have lots to smile about. I was supposed to be gone, for the weekend, but instead stayed home. My husband and older boys, came home from their vacation and I was excited to see them. I had the best night last night, Mike and I must have talked until 2:00 am.. We barely do that anymore, so it was wonderful. I am smiling today, because I feel close to him today... that makes me SMILE!

Friday, April 1, 2011


SMILE DAY 24.... I wasn't expecting this to be my smile today.. but Ellen's show just made me laugh so hard, I nearly split my guts! I havnt laughed alone like that in ages.. So Ellen's show is my smile today! Thanks Ellen!


Thursday, March 31, 2011

SMILE DAY 23....

SMILE DAY 23...    I can see grass, on my lawn! I am so excited the snow is melting. I saw a robin today, and there were 2 swans, at our local watering hole. So spring is coming!! How can you not smile about that!      

Wednesday, March 30, 2011



                                  I miss my dog. I loved walking her and I loved our loving owner- dog relationship. I am looking after a little dog this week, so walking today , with her made me smile. I love walking and love to be with a dog.. So that's my smile today...


Tuesday, March 29, 2011


SMILE DAY 21...  Cleaning is not exactly fun, but the end result is something to smile about. I have been spring cleaning for 2 days, and I am looking around and it all looks so crisp and clean.. That makes me SMILE!



Monday, March 28, 2011



                                    It's been a long winter, with unpredictable weather and crappy roads. Today the roads were bare and it was a really nice relaxing drive home! So I'm smiling because I didnt have to think about the drive! SMILE!


SMILE DAY 19....

     DIM SUM, YUM!  That has to bring a smile to anyone's face! Did you know it means " to touch your heart?. It was so delicious and I was with great company too!!! Big smiles for me and a touched heart! .....                                  


Saturday, March 26, 2011



                          Today I dropped my twins and their dad, at the airport, they are off to Arizona. I am happy to have some time alone, with my youngest. It is nice to spend time, and really connect, with just one child. We are in Calgary and am happy to be at my Best friend's house, for her birthday! I have a lot to SMILE about! Being here, and being with Evan is making me SMILE today!


Friday, March 25, 2011



                   Today it was nice to hang around in comfy clothes, and not really do much of anything. I am trying to get rid of a head cold, so being home was nice. The next week is holidays and I am so glad I don't have to make any lunches..That makes me SMILE!!!


Thursday, March 24, 2011



                                      Sometimes I think I think my contributions, to this life, are small and maybe meaningless. Being a substitute teacher, is not always the easiest job to do. Every week I am in a different class, with different kids, rules, and expectations. I take my job very seriously and try to keep things running, as the homeroom teacher would.  Today, I got a great compliment, it was from a grade three teacher. I had told her that I really appreciate that she leaves me "real" work to teach the kids, it really makes me feel useful. So she said  to me, " when I know I am having you as a sub, I know I can leave you the work I would teach. Because I know you will do it well, and I never have to worry. Some subs do not work like you do."  I was very happy to hear, that and even blushed. It was good to know that maybe my work does matter, and that made me SMILE~.


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

SMILE DAY 15....

SMILE DAY 15.....

                                I have a great thing to Smile about today.. I just came back from parent teacher interviews, and it was good! Evan, who is 9, has some difficulties with behavior, so usually the interviews are kinda hard to listen to. Today his teacher said, he sees big changes in Evan. The way he is handling social situations, is much better. He is actually thinking before reacting! This makes me very happy! So big SMILES for me!!!!


Tuesday, March 22, 2011


                                     This is so tough today..The snow is just making me so angry not happy. It is tough to smile when all you see is snow.. But here it goes..... This made me smile....


Monday, March 21, 2011



                                 Simply put with my best friend....its been 8 days.. So talking to her first thing today, made me SMILE!!!