Today is just that day. After coming home from the gym, I just wanted to throw my hands up and walk back out of this house. I just do not get it. Why the kids can not seems to pick up anything!!! It is not for lack of trying to get them to do this, but I am running out of energy to get angry. It doesnt work anyway. I swear it took me 1 hour just to pick up things, before I actually started cleaning.
I am not even done, but I needed a break before i started to throw stuff! It just seems like there is always so much house work, and just when I am done for one day, then the next day comes and I have to start all over again.
I really think this is why on Fridays I have wine! It is a small bit of solice that I look forward to.
Now as I finish writing this I still need to finish the laundry, get kids and off to 2 different hockey activities. Then try to get something healthy for supper... Then off to help my sister out... taking her boy to his soccer.
IS it friday somewhere????